Timed Image Viewer
To help content designers evaluate the readability of images in a short period, ie from 0.1 seconds up to 9.9 seconds, we created a small web app that allows users to load an image of … [more]
To help content designers evaluate the readability of images in a short period, ie from 0.1 seconds up to 9.9 seconds, we created a small web app that allows users to load an image of … [more]
Manufacturing, making stuff, is fascinating, rewarding, and not least, essential; an important and creative endeavor. The following is a brief overview of the importance and place of manufacturing. Introduction In an age dominated by digital, … [more]
Several Digital View LCD controller board models offer Picture-in-Picture (PiP) and Picture-by-Picture (PbP) functions. The following is a table of sizes for the PiP sizes: SVX-4096, HX-4096, SVX-4096-120 with 3840×2160 panel SIZE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL PiP … [more]
The Digital View STM-100 media player board for E Ink displays is in the final development stages and about to move to production. The target market for this media player is digital signs using E … [more]
All Digital View LCD controller boards support RS-232 connectivity for various functions. Using these commands, display system developers can enable control and monitoring from a PC (Windows or Linux) or from a custom board, for … [more]
Bob Raikes has written an excellent overview in Display Daily on the creative use of displays in cars, see https://displaydaily.com/automotive-displays-part-ii-an-explosion-in-creative-design/ Engaging with creative product designers is a vital requirement and opportunity for the display industry … [more]
I was interested to see if ChatGPT could help write apps to interface with Digital View LCD controller boards. To set a bit of context, all Digital View LCD controller boards support RS-232, some models … [more]
Enabling Innovation in Display Applications In today’s fast-paced digital age, the prominence of digital displays extends far beyond our personal devices. They are instrumental in non-consumer sectors such as medical, transport, defense, industrial, and marine … [more]
The HD-3000v2, an HD-SDI video input add-on board for use as a front-end for Digital View LCD controller boards, is being released this quarter, Q1, 2023, with availability scheduled for Q2, 2023. A summary of … [more]
Maybe I should ask, what are quantum dots, and why should we care that they are in our televisions? I am assuming you have seen the numerous ads referring to quantum dots. Certainly, quantum dots … [more]
We recently updated the full-screen write methods for E Ink 32″ and 42″ monochrome panels using the EPM-100v2 driver board to add a wipe transition, as shown in the video below: The wipe transition method … [more]
From HDMI signal in, to LVDS signal out: 0.00054ms. Back in 2016, I wrote a blog to provide some controller board latency test results (see https://www.digitalview.com/blog/latency-time-display/). The results are good, these are fast, low latency … [more]
The Digital View DT-4096 (p/n: 4178200xx-3) is our new 4K resolution LCD controller board with HDMI and Displayport video input, for LCDs with eDP or V-by-One connectivity. The web page is here https://www.digitalview.com/controllers/dt-4096-lcd-controller.html Specifications A … [more]
Search “display design” images on the web and the results are almost exclusively non-digital. But a quick look at the news and designs like the latest EV dashboard will likely show up. The point is … [more]
One of the features at SID’s Display Week 2022 was a collection of large posters documenting the milestones of various important display technologies, part of commemorating SID’s 60th anniversary. SID has very generously made these … [more]
As gamers will tell you, refresh rates matter. Anecdotally, it seems that they would prioritize a faster refresh rate over a higher resolution, at least up to 144Hz with 1920×1080 resolution. But is that 144Hz … [more]
How many digital displays can you see around you? Chances are high that it is at very least two, if not many more. Just 30 years ago the answer could easily have been zero if … [more]
A quick note that we will be implementing a minor change to the 2D controller board drawings to add an indication of what we are calling a “safe area”. This is an area marked out … [more]
This week we will be at the Smart Cities Connect expo and conference in Columbus Ohio, April 4 -7. Here is the link to the website: https://spring.smartcitiesconnect.org/ For details of other Smart Cities Connect events … [more]
This year at DisplayWeek 2022 (San Jose, May 8-13 for the conference, 10-12 for the exhibition) one of the courses being run is based on the excellent SID display measurements standard which is available as … [more]
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